Onion and Bacon Tart

For some reason, I seem to have an awful lot of onions. With this wintry weather I thought I'd use some up and make an onion and bacon tart. Nothing fussy, just pastry, onions and lardons. I knows chopping onions can be a tearful job, so I admit to using the slicer on my food processor. I used the grater for small slices, but they can be hand chopped! You need 200g short crust pastry, 2 big onions [or more if you really like them!], 400ml crème fraîche, 150g lardons and some grated Gruyère or other flavourful cheese Preheat oven 180C/gas4 You need a baking sheet Peel and chop the onions. Put into a frying pan, add half a glass of water and cook gently for 5-10 mins. leave to cool. Roll out pastry into a circle that will fit the baking sheet. My sheet will take a 28cm circle. prick with a fork. Spread the crème fraîche over the pastry leaving a gap round the edge. Spoon the onions on top and fin...