My favourite Plum Tart

I found a punnet of ripe plums lurking, so made my favourite plum tart recipe with a few tweaks. I didn’t have the correct amount of plums so couldn’t pack them in, but it still tastes delicious. It has a layer of pastry, then cinnamon sugar, plums and a delicious topping of brown sugar, egg and crème fraîche. Pastry- 250g plain flour, 175g butter cut into pieces, 1 medium egg yolk Filling- 1/2 tspn cinnamon mixed with 2 tbspn soft brown sugar, 750g of plums, halved then quartered. Topping- 1medium egg and 1 yolk, 125g crème fraîche, 45g soft brown sugar Oven 200C/gas6. 28cm flan tin Rub fat into flour.,Add yolk and 1-2 tbspn water to make a firm dough. Roll out and line the tin. Prick the base and put in fridge for 30 mins. Filling- Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the pastry. Arrange the plums cut side up, packing tightly. Any left over cut in half again and make a pattern on top, cut side down. Topping- mix all the ingredients together and spoon over the pl...