Gâteau Madeleine

I love the little madeleines you can buy in bags in France, so I bought a mould from a vide grenier for 1 euro, and it's been well used. This cake is a large version of these little cakes. you need: 110g caster sugar, 1 tspn baking powder,120g flour, 140g butter and 3 eggs. Grease and flour a 20cm round cake tin Preheat oven 180C/gas4 Melt the butter over a gentle heat and leave to cool. Whisk the eggs with the sugar till white and fluffy' Mix the flour and baking powder, then add this alternatively with the butter to the egg mixture using a rubber spatula to mix. Spoon into the cake tin, and bake for 9 mins at the 180C/gas4 temperature then turn oven down to 160C/gas3 for another 18 mins. Cool in the tin. When cool, leave plain or ice with some glacé icing. I decorated mine with orange slices, and tried out a bit of drip icing, but you can also add chopped zest to the cake, or cinnamon or vanilla extract. It's a cake that is 'moelleux', soft and moist. You can ma...