Grapefruit, Lemon Balm and Almond Cake

Having a sort out of my herbs and spices jars, I came across a jar of dried lemon balm that is almost past its sell by date. Not sure why I bought it, but it needed using up. I hunted through my recipe folders, and found one that a school friend gave me ages ago. It used lemon balm with pink grapefruit! I'd give it a try. You need: 200g ground almonds, 2 tbspn dried lemon balm, 1 pink grapefruit, 150g caster sugar, 2 large eggs and 22ml of olive oil [or 20g!], flaked almonds and icing sugar to decorate top Preheat oven 160C/gas3 Grease a 20cm springform cake tin and sprinkle inside with sugar Wash and dry the grapefruit, then zest about 1/4 of it and put this aside. Peel the grapefruit, cut in half and scoop out the pulp. Put sugar and lemon balm in a bowl, add the eggs and beat with an electric beater till mixture is white. Add the pulp and zest of the grapefruit and mix ...