Raspberry Buns

The mention of Rock Cakes in my book of British cooking, reminded me of the Raspberry Buns my Mum used to make. I loved these, and would hurry home from school when she'd mentioned she was making them. It was my Granny's recipe, and luckily Mum had written into her notebook.

There are several recipe that were family favourites that Mum didn't include in her book, and I've tried to replicate them but with little success - 'double custard' being one. She made a great apple flan in a flan tin, with a sponge base filled with stewed apple, then piped a layer of this 'custard' round the edge and puts dabs on top. The 'custard' looked a bit curdled, but was delicious. I know she made some Birds custard, but what she added to it, I don't know! I've tried various ways of making it, but they're all wrong. Sorry, I digress.

The buns are made in the same way as Rock Cakes - the rubbing in method.

You need
225g sr flour with 1 tspn baking powder
75g butter
75g caster sugar
1 beaten egg
raspberry jam
milk and caster sugar for the topping

Preheat oven 180C/gas4

Sieve flour and baking powder into a bowl and rub in the butter.stir in the sugar, then add the egg and enough milk to make a soft, but not wet, dough.
Divide the dough into 12 pieces and roll it into balls.
On a floured surface, flatten the balls and put 1/2 tspn of raspberry jam in the centre.brush the edges of the dough with jam then pull the dough up over the jam. Turn the buns over so the join in underneath.
Brush the tops with milk then bake for 15-20 mins till golden.
Cool on a wire rack - don't eat straight from the oven as the jam will be very HOT!

A taste of childhood. Nice soft texture inside , with a crunchy top and the jam oozing out. An easy to make treat.


Suelle said…
I've got some really good blackcurrant jam from Aldi, which I'm sure would work well in this bun recipe. I'm surprised I hadn't come across this recipe (or something similar) before.
Snowy said…
I don’ know where Mum got it from. She was an eexcellent baker, so might have thought of it herself.
Snowy said…
I love this type of cake. Just right for this time of year. Looks so good.
I can't say that I ever had exactly these as a child but it's the sort of cake that I always looked out for way back then when jam was so important to children. They look delicious and nostalgic. I must admit that I'm fascinated by 'double custard', though. That's definitely completely new to me.
Snowy said…
My comment “ I love this type of cake .........” was supposed to be on your blog, Suelle, not onl mine!

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