Chocolate Praline Cake with Nougat

I belong to a French Conversation group, and we had a get together last week with coffee and cakes - French recipes. This is one I made many times in France, but not since I've been back in the UK. Praline chocolate and nougat seemed to be more readily available there, or maybe I haven't been looking in the right places!

You need: 60g sr flour and 1 tspn baking powder, 100g praline chocolate, 50g nougat chopped into small pieces, 70g caster sugar, 60g butter 
Preheat oven 180C/gas4          Grease and base line a 24cm cake tin.

Break the chocolate into pieces, add 5 tbspn of water and melt in a microwave. In another small bowl, melt the butter, and in a 3rd bowl beat the eggs and sugar together till fluffy. Fold the flour and baking powder into the batter, then pour in the melted chocolate and butter. Mix together. Add the pieces of nougat and mix again.
Pour into the tin and bake for 35 mins. Cool the cake in the tin .
Serve with ice cream, crème fraîche or a crème anglaise.

Above is the French recipe, but I added a chocolate ganache to the top and some more nougat bits to make it more decadent! I love the crunchy bits of nougat inside the cake which give it another texture. You can't see them in the photo, but they are there. You get a nice hint of nuts from the chocolate and the nougat, and the cake has a nice soft crumb.

I learnt from Phil at that August will be the final time for 'We Should Cocoa' on I've joined in with the chocolate challenges in the past, and am sad that there will be no more. There have been some fabulous chocolate recipes in the challenge. So I'm going to join in with the final challenge and submit this cake. Oh dear, I think I've done something wrong and not put in the proper url for this blog!


Suelle said…
This sounds a delicious combination of flavours and textures! Did you use a hard or soft nougat?
Snowy said…
Hard nougat Sue, as it was easier to chop up.
Lovely cake and very French with those ingredients. I've noticed that in some areas of France nougat seems to be close to an obsession. I think simple nougat has been squeezed out in this country by more complicated, commercial confectionery. There have been some great recipes in WSC over the years and it's quite nostalgic to enter the last one ever. (If your entry in the link up is wrong, it should be possible to delete and re-enter it on the link up page. At least, I think so.)
Choclette said…
It's lovely to have you on board for this final We Should Cocoa Snowy. Thank you for joining in. Your cake looks absolutely scrumptious. I used to adore nougat, but I haven't seen it on general sale here for years. Praline chocolate sounds rather scrumptious too.

Your URL was wrong, but I found you anyway :)

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