Galette de Rois with Lemon

Sorry about the big white blank on my last post. My computer went a bit haywire that day, and even my son couldn't sort it out, so we left it!

It's a tradition in our family that I make a Galette de Rois for Epiphany. They sell them in all the pâtisseries and supermarkets in France in January, with golden cardboard crowns for the person who finds the fève or china figure in the galette.
I wanted to try something different, having made chocolate ones in the past as well as the usual almond ones. I decided to add one of my lemons from my tree in the greenhouse.
Am amazed at how well this tree does in its big pot. It still has 8 large lemons ripening and many small ones, as well as some flowers. Not bad in Northants!

Back to the Galette! It's easy to make - you need:

2 packs puff pastry [butter puff if possible]
125g ground almonds
100g caster sugar
80g butter
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
3 drops vanilla extract
juice of 1 lemon

Preheat oven 180C/gas4             A tart tin about 23 cm

Roll out the first pack of pastry and line the tin.
In a bowl cream the butter till white then add the ground almonds and sugar and mix together well.
Beat the 2 eggs and add to the bowl, and finally add the vanilla and lemon juice. Beat together.
Spread the mixture onto the pastry in the tin hiding a bean [or fève] then roll out the second pack on top. Use a fork to join the edges together and brush the top with the beaten egg yolk. Mark the top of the galette with a knife.
Bake for 35 mins and cool before eating.

The almond cream filling smelt delicious with a lemon perfume, and it had a lovely fondant texture, contrasting well with the pastry. Not sure the lemon added anything much to the galette, so prefer the original version.


That looks exactly the way I think a galette should look. Sounds delicious. I gave up making galettes a few years ago because by the 6th everyone I know is trying hard to eat a lot less and nobody would eat my galette. Doesn't stop me wanting a slice or two, though.
Suelle said…
You've marked the top perfectly! That's where I've always failed. Adding lemon sounds delicious.
Snowy said…
Suelle, I have to confess that my daughter marked the top! She's very artistic.

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