Chocolate Galette des Rois with Frangipane

I always try and make a galette in January. You can find them in all the pastry shops and supermarkets in France, as they're made to celebrate the arrival of the Kings on January 6th. Have sadly lost all my little fèves that I collected [the little china figures that go into the galette des rois]. Whoever finds the fève is king or queen for the day and gets a crown!
Decided to make it a bit different this year and added chocolate to the frangipane.
It's so useful to have the puff pastry ready cut out into a circle, as in France, but a large dinner plate used to cut round to make the circle is fine.

You need: 2 packs of butter puff pastry, 200g dark chocolate, 125g ground almonds, 125g caster sugar, 125g soft butter, 25g plain flour, 3 eggs and 1 yolk, and 1/2 tspn almond extract

Preheat oven 200C                             A baking sheet

Beat the eggs and sugar together till light and fluffy. Add the almond extract, flour and ground almonds and mix well.
Break up the chocolate and melt in a bowl over simmering water or in a microwave, then add to the almond mixture [frangipane]. Add the butter a bit at a time, beating well.
Roll out one of the packs of puff pastry and cut into a circle. Spoon the almond mixture on, leaving a 2cm border clear round the edge and wet this border. Roll out the 2nd pack and cut another circle and cover the first one. Press the edges together firmly. Beat the egg yolk and add a few drops of milk then brush over the top of the galette.
Traditionally you make marks on the top, but this is optional. I just did a sort of crisscross pattern.
Reduce oven to 180C and bake for 20 mins till golden. Eat warm.

It is delicious, and we had it with some whipped double cream. It's very rich, but am not completely convinced that adding the chocolate improved the galette. I think I prefer it in its original form!


Suelle said…
Perhaps one of those few things not improved by chocolate! I've made Rick Sein's version with added cherries, which was very good, but couldn't get the markings on the top correct.
I've never come across a galette with chocolate before. It sounds great but I think I might find it just a bit too rich these days. I am very fond of the apple filled galettes that I came across in Normandy (where else?) because they tend to be a bit lighter. I would offer you one of my fèves but I'm in pretty much the same boat - I've no idea where they've gone.

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