Galette de Rois aux pommes

 Not been around for a while because I haven't been well. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and a belated Happy New Year!

It's January, so must be Galette de Rois time again! I love these and made several of them to take to our French group's postponed Christmas get together.

One of them was apple; I know I have already put 2 or so recipes for apple ones on here, but this one is so quick and easy that it's almost a must make!

You need: 2 sheets of puff pastry, 125g caster sugar, 1 tspn vanilla extract, 500g apples, peeled and sliced, 1 tspn cinnamon and 1 egg yolk.

 Pr4e4heat oven to 220C/gas7                 You need a baking sheet

Put the apples in a pan with the sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Simmer for 20 mins then put aside to cool.

Roll out of the pastry sheets and cut a large circle [I drew around my biggest flan tin]. put this on the baking tray and spread the apple mixture on top, leaving a 3 cm edge all round. Wet this edge  using a pastry brush then roll out the second pastry sheet, cut out a matching circle and place on top. Using a fork, press the edges firmly together.

Cut the traditional pattern on top with the sharp point of a knife, then brush over with egg yolk mixed with 1 tbspn water.

Bake for 20 mins at the 220C then turn oven down to 170C and cook for a further 10-20 mins till golden.

Sorry, I'm not very good at doing the decoration on top. It's quick, light and easy to make, a bit like a large chausson de pommes. When the apple is cooked, give it a mix together so it's not lumpy. I wish they'd sell puff pastry that comes ready done as a circle, as in France, as my dinner plates were too small, so luckily I have a large flan tin which I drew round.


Really sorry to hear that you've not been at your best and here's hoping for better things in 2022. My favourite type of Galette de Rois is definitely apple (lots of time spent in Normandy, I suppose) and I'd love this one. Unless my memory is playing tricks (and it often does) I have bought circles of frozen puff pastry in the last couple of years in this country, probably from Ocado. It was imported from France, of course.

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